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"Wintering in Greenwich Hall" (Excerpt) - March 10, 2018

Raine approached the docent in hopeful apprehension. It was all up to this woman, after all, to determine if she would be able to stay at Greenwich Hall’s campus library. She approached, twining her hair about her finger nervously, eyeing the woman. She was well into her twenties, perhaps even her early thirties, but she carried herself with a gravity that reminded Raine of a monarch - someone ancient and forbidding. She wore a cream, lacy top over a old-fashioned bodice, a sorrel woolen skirt, and brown leggings with functional wedges. “Excuse me, miss.” Raine started. She watched as the woman’s pair of mouse like eyes darted from the small book she was reading. “Ahem”- The woman skipped all pleasantries, seemingly bored by them. “You’re Raine Stewart, yes? Dima said you were interested in remaining through the storm.” ” Yes, ma’am.” “Your request is granted… but here,” she started, producing a form from her notebook. “This will require your endorsement, to release the scho

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